

Es necesaria una comunidad (#ITAC) es una campaña internacional que cuenta con la participación de múltiples actores clave, que muestra el impacto positivo que la migración puede tener sobre las comunidades, contribuyendo así con los esfuerzos internacionales para promover la cohesión social y encauzar la migración, luchar contra la xenofobia y la discriminación de los migrantes.

OMYCPGFMD Civil SocietyBusiness advisory group on migrationIOEGFMD Mayors Mechanism

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Es necesaria una comunidad para la creación de mejores sociedades

Conozca a Jämaelle y a su programa “Francés para todos” el cual facilita que los migrantes se...

Es necesaria una comunidad para hacer nuevos descubrimientos

Descubra hoy de qué manera los montrealeses se conocen a través de clases de cocina y podcasts en...

Empoderando a las mujeres, derribando estereotipos y el discurso público.

Eche un vistazo al trabajo de las Hermanas Musulmanas de Irlanda (Muslim Sisters of Eire), una...

Mapa de iniciativas



    Argentina -38.416097, -63.616672
    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Argentina Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Belgium 50.503887, 4.469936
    Community Policing without Borders Country Belgium Region Europe Description

    The objective of the project is to inspire the Belgian police force, to contribute to the eradication of all forms of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance and discrimination within the Belgian Police force and by the Belgian police towards migrant communities.  

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    Other Talk - Teaching Migration Country Belgium Region Europe Description

    Caritas International and IOM join forces for the Other Talk - Teaching Migration project, that aims at providing tools to current and prospective teachers in Dutch-speaking* secondary schools in Belgium. These tools will build their capacity to teach about themes related to migration, diversity and related media literacy and will foster their pupils’ critical thinking on these topics in their (future) classrooms.

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina 43.915886, 17.679076
    Empowering trust and cohesion in Bosnia and Herzegovina's communities Country Bosnia and Herzegovina Region Europe Description

    The overall objective of the project was to strengthen and promote the environment that is more conducive to genuine reconciliation. The project purpose is to provide support to the civil society, increase positive interaction between and within the communities and amplify positive stories from local communities and civil society. 

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    Botswana -22.328474, 24.684866
    Enhancing Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion through Socio-Cultural Activities and Community Dialogues in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe Country Botswana Region Africa Description

    The overall objective of the project is to enhance migrant integration, social cohesion and harmony within townships most affected by xenophobic violence and reprisal attacks in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Governments of South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe will have increased capacity to mitigate xenophobic tendencies and other intolerance and respond to possible xenophobic reprisal attacks.


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    Brazil -14.235004, -51.92528
    Strengthening socioeconomic integration and promoting inclusive development opportunities to migrants in Brazil Country Brazil Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

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    Chile -35.675147, -71.542969
    Centro Nacional de Estudios Migratorios de la Universidad de Talca Country Chile Region Latin America Description

    The National Center for Migration Studies of the University of Talca is a dependent unit of the School of Public Administration based on the Santiago Campus. The main objective of this center is to study the migration problem in Chile from the perspective of the immigrants themselves. Know from a multidisciplinary perspective their perception of the different facets of the process of arrival and integration in the country.In this way, it is intended to create an entity that concentrates statistics on the migration process in Chile together with information on the perceptions of immigrants; in such a way to be a real and objective contribution to decision-making in public policies on the subject.

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    Interpreta Lab Country Chile Region Latin America Description

    The Observatory on Hate, Racism and Xenophobia brings together a multidisciplinary team that seeks to combat hate, racism, xenophobia and misinformation, through the generation and analysis of data, and influence on public opinion and the media. 

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    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Chile Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Colombia 4.570868, -74.297333
    Barómetro de Xenofobia Country Colombia Region Latin America Description

    The Xenophobia Barometer is a platform that systematizes, analyzes and disseminates as public information the result of the analysis of the conversations on Twitter about the migrant population in different cities of Colombia.

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    Colombia building trust, relationships, and community coexistence, and preventing rural violence wuith a human rights approach Country Colombia Region Latin America

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    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Colombia Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Institutional strengthening for the promotion of labour mobility and inclusion, and prevent xenophobia and exploitation in work environments for migrant population, returnees and host communities. Country Colombia Region Latin America Description

    The impact of the outflow of refugees and migrants from Venezuela is felt most keenly in Colombia. Across the 2,200-kilometer common border with seven formal and hundreds of informal crossing points, Colombia has been receiving over 50 per cent of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, including those who remain in the country as well as those who transit through the country for onward movement. Colombia is also receiving a significant number of its nationals returning from Venezuela, some of them having stayed in Venezuela for decades. The situation in Colombia is indeed complex, with different types of population movements taking place simultaneously, including pendular movements in the border area.

    The arrival of refugees and migrants from Venezuela into Colombia has grown exponentially over the last few years. The number of those staying in the country rose from less than 39,000 at the end of 2015, to 1,032,000 at the end of September 2018, an increase of almost 2,550 per cent.21 Similarly, the number of Venezuelans transiting through Colombia towards Ecuador and onwards increased from 14,000 in 2015, to 511,000 in the first nine months of 2018, an increase of 3,550 per cent. In addition, there are over 300,000 Colombian returnees,22 with many of them requiring support for their socio-economic inclusion and safe reintegration. 

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    Promotion of labor insertion and mobility and prevention of xenophobia of migrant and returnee populations and host communities in Colombia Country Colombia Region Latin America

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    Productive Integration of Venezuelan Migrants Program Country Colombia Region Latin America

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    Costa Rica 9.748917, -83.753428
    Xenophobia Cero (Xenophobia Zero) Country Costa Rica Region Latin America Description

    The #XenophobiaCero Community is an initiative led by various United Nations agencies and international cooperation, created to promote digital activism against discrimination against migrants and refugees, and highlight their contributions to countries of origin, transit and destination.

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    On The Move podcast Country Costa Rica Region Latin America Description

    the IOM Regional Office in San Jose (Costa Rica) produces the Podcast On The Move every month. It brings together a mix of perspectives, involving both migrants and specialists who discuss economic, social and gender-based issues (as well as many more) and how they intersect in contexts of migration. In doing so, it aims to dispel common myths that often fuel xenophobic and discriminatory attitudes and promote an evidence-based understanding of migration phenomenon. 

    Croatia 45.1, 15.2
    TandEM: towards empowered migrant youth in southern Europe – Italy Country Croatia Region Europe Description

    With a view to enanching social cohesion in European societies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the European University Association (EUA) and the Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana (COREIS), are implementing the European funded project “TandEM: Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe” in Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain.

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    Czechia 49.817492, 15.472962
    Paradigm shift: empowering youth, teachers, youth professionals and journalists in contributing to social inclusive societies Country Czechia Region Europe Description

    Social and Community Cohesion

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    Dominican Republic 18.735693, -70.162651
    A heroine without borders Country Dominican Republic Region Latin America Description

    In the Dominican Republic, 500 students attended a performance called “A heroine without borders”. The show follows the story of a Venezuelan girl and is aimed at generating empathy within the student population, which is made up of students from national and migrant backgrounds. It focuses on the importance of acceptance, peaceful coexistence and the harms caused by bullying.

    Ecuador -1.831239, -78.183406
    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Ecuador Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Greece 39.074208, 21.824312
    TandEM: towards empowered migrant youth in southern Europe – Italy Country Greece Region Europe Description

    With a view to enanching social cohesion in European societies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the European University Association (EUA) and the Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana (COREIS), are implementing the European funded project “TandEM: Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe” in Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain.

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    Hungary 47.162494, 19.503304
    Paradigm shift: empowering youth, teachers, youth professionals and journalists in contributing to social inclusive societies Country Hungary Region Europe Description

    Social and Community Cohesion

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    Italy 41.87194, 12.56738
    TandEM: towards empowered migrant youth in southern Europe – Italy Country Italy Region Europe Description

    With a view to enanching social cohesion in European societies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the European University Association (EUA) and the Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana (COREIS), are implementing the European funded project “TandEM: Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe” in Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain.

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    Kyrgyzstan 41.20438, 74.766098
    Promoting Social Cohesion by Combatting Xenophobia and Anti-Migrant Sentiments Against International Migrants in the Kyrgyz Republic Country Kyrgyzstan Region Asia Description

    The project aims to promote social cohesion and migrant-inclusive socio-economic growth by decreasing xenophobic and anti-migrant sentiments among the Kyrgyz host society and by increasing the safety of international migrants in Kyrgyzstan, especially students, through initiatives designed to enhance mutual positive perception. The project will take a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach, involving beneficiaries, community associations, academic institutions, and government counterparts throughout all project stages.

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    Mexico 23.634501, -102.552784
    Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA) Country Mexico Region Global Description

    The Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA): A Media Training Platform to Strengthen Ethical and Accurate Reporting about Migration

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    Morocco 31.791702, -7.09262
    Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA) Country Morocco Region Global Description

    The Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA): A Media Training Platform to Strengthen Ethical and Accurate Reporting about Migration

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    Netherlands 52.132633, 5.291266
    Moving the Middle II Country Netherlands Region Europe Description

    To contribute to the goal of promoting open and evidence-based public discourse and the SDG 16 to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for all, the ‘Moving the Middle’ project aims to improve our understanding of who belongs to the Movable Middle in the Netherlands and how they can best be reached.

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    SAMEN: Strengthened Assistance for Migrant Empowerment in the Netherlands Country Netherlands Region Europe Description

    SAMEN (‘Together’ in Dutch) aims to bridge the gap between migration and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Netherlands. The International Organization for Migration and Dokters van de Wereld work together to prevent and combat all levels of sexual and gender-based violence and domestic violence experienced by migrant communities in the Netherlands. The SAMEN project was launched in September 2022 with the goal of providing psychosocial counselling, training, information exchange, referral and preventative measures that address violence toward adults with migrant backgrounds, especially vulnerable groups such as women, young adults and members of the LGBTQI+ community.

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    North Macedonia 41.608635, 21.745275
    Evidence-based migration policy planning and discourse in North Macedonia Country North Macedonia Region Europe Description

    The project aims to support policy makers in North Macedonia to effectively manage demographic and migration dynamics through development of evidence-based migration policies based on improved systemic data collection and analysis and enhanced inter-institutional data exchange; and improve the perception of the general public and policy makers about immigrants and refugees.

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    Panama 8.537981, -80.782127
    Debating Championship Country Panama Region Latin America Description

    IOM created a Debating Championship to successfully raise awareness of xenophobia in 27 local schools. Prior to the debates, students received workshops on key themes, including xenophobia, human trafficking, and gender equality. the Ministry of Security, the Ministry of Community, the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Family and the Faculty of Rights and Political Sciences of the Inter-American University of Panama.

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    Somos Lo Mismo campaign Country Panama Region Latin America Description

    To bring together refugees, migrants, displaced persons and nationals through a message of solidarity and respect, the campaign Somos Lo Mismo was born in Panama in response to rising xenophobia in the country. The campaign, a joint project by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) and IOM, shares the stories of migrants and nationals. Its goal is to humanize through sharing how we are all made of experiences, feelings, learning, struggles and achievement.

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    Paraguay -23.442503, -58.443832
    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Paraguay Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Peru -9.189967, -75.015152
    Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica del Perú (IDEHPUCP) Country Peru Region Latin America Description

    IDEHPUCP, together with the Institute of Public Opinion of the PUCP, has carried out in 2018 and 2019, various surveys (both at the national level and at the level of Lima-Callao) to understand the beliefs and attitudes towards Venezuelan migrants in the national population.

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    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Peru Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Strengthening the Capacity of the Education Sector through Art to Combat Xenophobia in Peru Country Peru Region Latin America Description

    The project aims to promote the use of art in order to combat xenophobia and foster intercultural dialogue within public and private schools in Peru. The objective is to avoid stigmatization of migrants, who are often associated with negative events related to conflict, insecurity, delinquency and social marginalization. The objective will be achieved through teaching material on migration with a focus on gender and human-rights, sensitization workshops, targeting teenagers, with a focus on gender and human rights will be organized to inform students on migration-related issues and risks.

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    Productive Integration of Venezuelan Migrants Program Country Peru Region Latin America

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    Philippines 12.879721, 121.774017
    Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA) Country Philippines Region Global Description

    The Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA): A Media Training Platform to Strengthen Ethical and Accurate Reporting about Migration

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    Poland 51.919438, 19.145136
    Paradigm shift: empowering youth, teachers, youth professionals and journalists in contributing to social inclusive societies Country Poland Region Europe Description

    Social and Community Cohesion

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    Serbia 44.016521, 21.005859
    Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA) Country Serbia Region Global Description

    The Global Migration and Media Academy (GMMA): A Media Training Platform to Strengthen Ethical and Accurate Reporting about Migration

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    Slovakia 48.148598, 17.107748
    Paradigm shift: empowering youth, teachers, youth professionals and journalists in contributing to social inclusive societies Country Slovakia Region Europe Description

    Social and Community Cohesion

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    We Are At Home Here II Country Slovakia Region Europe Description

    International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with a film, director Marcel Pázman created a documentary We are at home here, which through specific story lines of three migrants from different cultures – a Palestinian doctor, Florist from Ukraine and an entrepreneur from Vietnam – talks about the life of migrants in Slovakia. The film also uses footage of public opinion surveys that took place in the streets, asking people to express their attitudes on migrants in Slovakia. On the other hand, the film brings substantiated information based on which it portrays the reality of migration in Slovakia.

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    South Africa -30.559482, 22.937506
    United Nations Pilot Project for Strengthening Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion through Stakeholders’ Engagement, Socio-Economic Activities and Countering Anti-Migrant Narratives in South Africa Country South Africa Region Africa Description

    The focus of the United Nations’ joint programme (JP) is to strengthen migrant integration and social cohesion, particularly among the populations in vulnerable situations, through targeted engagement and participation of government counterparts, civil society, migrants and host communities in community-level peace and socio-economic related activities. The JP will also help to shape the public narrative on migration, promote tolerance and evidence-based discussion on migration.

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    Enhancing Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion through Socio-Cultural Activities and Community Dialogues in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe Country South Africa Region Africa Description

    The overall objective of the project is to enhance migrant integration, social cohesion and harmony within townships most affected by xenophobic violence and reprisal attacks in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Governments of South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe will have increased capacity to mitigate xenophobic tendencies and other intolerance and respond to possible xenophobic reprisal attacks.


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    Spain 40.463667, -3.74922
    TandEM: towards empowered migrant youth in southern Europe – Italy Country Spain Region Europe Description

    With a view to enanching social cohesion in European societies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in partnership with the European University Association (EUA) and the Comunità Religiosa Islamica Italiana (COREIS), are implementing the European funded project “TandEM: Towards Empowered Migrant Youth in Southern Europe” in Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain.

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    MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Towards a positive vision for migrationLeveraging the strength of women in Somalia to mitigate conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) and prevent violent extremism (PVE) Country Spain Region Europe

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    Switzerland 46.818188, 8.227512
    Global Migration Film Festival Country Switzerland Region Global Description

    The Global Migration Film Festival (GMFF), produced by IOM since 2016, has opened a space of reflection and discussion against xenophobia by sharing migrants’ stories through films and documentaries. In 2019, it brought more than 30 films to over 100 countries, including eight countries across Central America, North America and the Caribbean.

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    “I am a migrant” campaign Country Switzerland Description

    Through a collection of stories collated on an online library, “I am a migrant” provides first-hand insights into the triumphs and challenges of migrants of all backgrounds and at all phases of their migratory journeys. It gives a human face to the 270 million international migrants living around the world and raise awareness about their experiences.

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    Thailand 15.870032, 100.992541
    Promoting Evidence-Based Migration Discourse and Media Reporting in Thailand Country Thailand Region Asia Description

    Recognizing the role media plays in combatting negative stereotypes against migrants, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) launched a two-year joint project for journalists, journalism students and government officials working in the field of communication to foster evidence-based migration discourse and media reporting in Thailand.

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    Ukraine 48.379433, 31.16558
    Capacity-building to Monitor and Implement National Mechanisms to Counter Xenophobia and Discrimination in Ukraine Country Ukraine Region Europe Description

    This project aims to contribute to the protection of the rights of migrants, members of vulnerable groups, and victims through reducing obstacles arising from discrimination and manifestations of hate crime.

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    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 55.378051, -3.435973
    Our Lives Press Country United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Region Global Description

    The books in the series are by authors from different cultures - from Somalia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Congo, Albania, Ethiopia and Columbia - about their experiences in their own countries and in Britain. The authors describe how they have overcome a variety of barriers, learnt a new language and succeeded in making a new life for themselves. These short and inspirational books provide ideal reading material for those who want to improve their English language and literacy skills and will also appeal to anyone interested in the moving stories of refugees and migrants.

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    United States of America 37.09024, -95.712891
    UN Together Campaign Country United States of America Description

    UN Together, launched in 2016, aims to counter the rise in xenophobia and discrimination by sharing events and stories of migrants and refugees. This platform also gave rise to the “I am a migrant” campaign.

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    Uruguay -32.522779, -55.765835
    Promotion of positive contributions of migration in South America through the media and their interaction with the IOM Country Uruguay Region Latin America Description

    To examine the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants and refugees in the region, this report analyzes nonrepresentative, nonprobabilistic data from IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) studies, as well as a variety of data from other surveys, reports, and additional research resources. The report explores five key dimensions of socioeconomic integration (sociodemographic profile, levels of economic inclusion, education, access to health care, and social cohesion) across five South American countries that together host more than 70 percent of the total Venezuelan migrant and refugee population worldwide. These are: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

    Awareness campaign against discrimination and xenophobia towards refugees and migrants in the framework of the Venezuelan Situation Country Uruguay Region Latin America

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    Zimbabwe -19.015438, 29.154857
    Enhancing Migrant Integration and Social Cohesion through Socio-Cultural Activities and Community Dialogues in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe Country Zimbabwe Region Africa Description

    The overall objective of the project is to enhance migrant integration, social cohesion and harmony within townships most affected by xenophobic violence and reprisal attacks in South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Governments of South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe will have increased capacity to mitigate xenophobic tendencies and other intolerance and respond to possible xenophobic reprisal attacks.


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    30 de mayo de 2023, Evento Virtual: 10 a 11:30 AM CET – Panel 1 ; 12 a 1:30 PM CET – Panel 2
    10:00 a 11:30 y de 12:00 a 13:30 hora local en Ecuador, Colombia y Peru

    Compromiso de personas y organizaciones de 100 países.


    #ITAC (Es necesaria una comunidad) busca destacar cómo las personas migrantes y refugiadas están trabajando conjuntamente para que los lugares en los cuales viven y trabajan se vuelvan más productivos, innovadores, empáticos, seguros y acogedores.

    Muestre su apoyo a la campaña asumiendo el compromiso con las: Comunidades acogedoras e inclusivas para todos. Puede comprometerse como individuo o como organización.

    1. Difunda las contribuciones positivas de las personas migrantes y refugiadas en su comunidad y aún más allá.
    2. Haga que sus amigos, familiares y comunidad se sientan comprometidos con la importancia de la inclusión, la tolerancia, la adaptación y la colaboración.